Tonight was Halloween and I forgot the number one rule of being abroad... never, ever trust a Limey (Englishmen). Since classes were so small ( I had only two students for two classes) all the teachers and students gathered up at the restaurant behind the school for a 'party.' We talked, we ate, we drank. After, an Englishman, an Aussie girl and I were supposed to go to a 'saloon.' The Aussie only had a bike and on the way she peeled off and went home. So, it was only the Queen's subject and I. On the way, the dude's motorbike, I was on the back, broke down twice because of two foot water. At one point I was up to my knees wading through the water after the Brit, who was pushing his bike. It looked like some sort of watery exodus. Many people's bikes had given out for good and were pushing them home, others were walking. All quietly.
We arrived at the saloon (and it was a saloon, imagine Stockman's x 3 minus Saudis) soaked and covered in germs and who knows what. The place was filled to the brim with freak music and barmaids. No costumers except some odd Vietnamese guys. Nick bought whiskey and beers. I wondered if he was trying to loosen me up for some ungodly purpose. Met a weird Belgian guy, Nick (the Limey) flirted with everything that was female in the place. And, eventually I got him to give me a lift home. But first, after paying a week's salary (hyperbole) for drinks I stole a jack-o-lantern from the bar and smashed it outside just to prove I was American.
What a Halloween. Tomorrow I might have to swim to work.